Changes to your Experience at our Facility due to COVID-19.

Once we open again, there will be changes designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The following changes will be instituted and may be changed as the situation in Massachusetts changes. We will continually update according to the MA Department of Health, the office of the Governor and CDC.

Waiting Room

Our waiting room is currently closed. Upon arrival, please wait in your car. We will send a text message or call. At your appointment time we’ll come out for your screening. Only the person to be treated is allowed in the room.


In order to identify possible symptoms of Covid-19, screening questions will be asked before arrival for your appointment. Upon arrival, a temperature screening will be conducted before intake. If any symptoms are identified, your appointment will be cancelled without penalty, and rescheduled as appropriate.

Personal Protective Equipment

It is a requirement of the MA Department of Health and the MA Governor that everyone wear a face mask. Your therapist will be wearing a mask and goggles throughout your interactions.


The restroom is supplied with sink and soap. Handwashing should be done by clients upon entering. The therapist will wash hands before and after your appointment and if appropriate, during your appointment.

HEPA Filtration

HEPA filter in the treatment room provides air circulation in the room. HEPA filters traps 99. 97% of airborne particles as small as 0. 3 microns. The HEPA filter will always be on during and between all appointments.

Cleaning and Disinfection

Surfaces will be washed and disinfected between each session. As we reopen, we will schedule time between all appointments to allow for proper cleaning and disinfection. This cleaning will happen before and after each client.

Into the Future

As we enter a new phase of uncertainty in this pandemic, having flattened the curve and beginning to reopen businesses, we’ll continue to keep a close eye on data from the MA Department of Health and Human Resources as well as guidelines from the office of our Governor and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At any time, it may become necessary to cancel appointments because of public health concerns. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience, but assure you we prioritize your safety.