(12 CEUs) $ 225.00 – ($125 credit towards CST1), Student rate – $ 175.00
Contact Sue Cotta 508.982.1100
Course Description
Teaches the benefits of CST along with basic techniques to use in practice and for personal health.
Course Highlights:
– Explore the anatomy and physiology of the craniosacral system and its relationship to illness, pain and dysfunction.
– Develop and refine light-touch palpation skills.
– Learn and practice palpating the “listening stations” key body locations where the craniosacral motion can best be evaluated.
– Learn and practice tissue release techniques for the pelvic and respiratory diaphragms and thoracic inlet.
– Learn about and practice mobilizing the sacrum; the dural tube rock and dural tube glide; V- spread; stillpoint.
– Excellent preparation for attendance at CranioSacral Therapy I.
Prerequisite: None, Required Advance Reading: None
CranioSacral Therapy 1
(24 CEUs) Contact Upledger Institute for registration – 800.233.5880
Locations that Sue will be teaching:
Portland, ME March 17-21, 2016
Boston, MA April 28-May 1, 2016
Hartford, CT Sept. 15-18, 2016
Portsmouth, NH Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2016
Course Description
In this workshop you’ll learn gentle techniques to normalize the craniosacral system and allow the body to self-correct. By unraveling pain and dysfunction at the source, you’ll naturally help eliminate stress, strengthen resistance to disease, and enhance health in every dimension.
Course Highlights: By the end of this 4-day workshop you should be able to:
- Describe the scientific foundation and principles of CranioSacral Therapy – and why it’s the key to relieving pain and dysfunction at their source
- Demonstrate finely tuned palpation skills you can rely on as highly sensitive and intuitive healthcare tools
- Identify the subtle craniosacral rhythm and interpret its patterns to accurately evaluate dysfunction and improvements
- Locate the source of physical problems by traveling through the fascial system, that complex web of tissue that impacts all body structures and systems
- Release dural tube restrictions to enhance interactions between the central nervous system and the rest of the body
- Use techniques that produce dramatic health and relaxation effects, including Direction of Energy and Still-Point Induction
- Work with approaches to a number of common ailments such as TMJ dysfunction, head and neck pain, central nervous system disorders and many more
- Put a simple, effective 10-Step Protocol into practice right away
If you have never experienced CST for yourself, it is recommended, but not required, that you have a session prior to class. This will help you gain valuable insights into how the technique works and what its effects are on the body. To find a CST practitioner in your area, go to www.iahp.com and Search for a Practitioner, or contact the Satellite/Sponsor in your country.